Fifth Friday Feeback!
Quarterly check in to see what you liked, what you didn't and suggestions for improvement.
We are two months into the Salted Wetzel with a Side of Mustard. We’ve established a a steady cadence of posts and you know when to expect Short Fiction, Fridge Philosphies, the CHOW and random what-not.
Every quarter, there’s an extra Friday. Originally, I thought it best to take the week off. But what if I turned it over to you to provide some thoughts and feedback? What if you could help influence my writing and the future of this substack? What if the secret sauce is YOU, the reader?
So, I’m going to provide a list of polls to participate. Not only what sections of Salted Wetzel do you like, but are there certain posts you liked the most? Be honest. Feedback is the best way to get better… Just let it be constructive. (More than, this sucks. You’re a fool).
I also want your feedback on suggestions of topics, features, or individual feedback on certain stories, quotes, questions, etc. Have at it.
I appreciate your support and you joining on this crazy creative journey!
Sorry I missed the poll.