Oct 2, 2023Liked by Vince Wetzel

Well said, my friend. The power of gratitude is amazing! I try to use it in my life constantly, even during trials. It's noteworthy to see how it can change your outlook if you say, "Thank you, God, for this flat tire!" or "I am grateful for this health challenge"

If you are interested, the President of our church delivered a message in 2020 on "The Healing Power of Gratitude". It is well worth a watch for everyone, in my opinion:


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I find it quite interesting how the neuroscience is catching up to the ancient mystics who shared the benefits of gratitude. https://nhahealth.com/neuroscience-reveals-gratitude-literally-rewires-your-brain-to-be-happier/. I may dig a bit deeper in a future post, but the science backs up the spiritual traditions from Buddhism https://www.joincake.com/blog/gratitude-quotes-buddha/ to Hinduism https://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/hinduism/articles/a-hindu-thanksgiving-its-all-about-gratitude.aspx to Islam https://ing.org/gratitude-in-islam/#:~:text=The%20necessity%20of%20gratitude%20is,You%20for%20Your%20great%20glory.%E2%80%9D to Judaism https://reformjudaism.org/beliefs-practices/spirituality/gratitude-what-does-judaism-teach-us to Christianity Colossians 3:15

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."

A grateful heart is a healing heart!

Thanks Scott for the link!

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Nice post. I keep a gratitude journal in which I usually write a few things I'm grateful about. My wife, my health, having a bed to sleep in, etc. Sometimes it's just a few things, other times it's a longer list. I often find I awaken the next morning with a positive attitude. The gratitude attitude can change our lives for the better.

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I haven't gone so far as a journal but I think that's a great idea.

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Well, just a little notebook. It just takes me a minute or two. Happy days Joe

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